Gender Equality

Historically, it was the role of a man to provide for his household. Men were required to work in order to bring income back home. Women on the other hand remained in their homes and took any children they had. During the two world wars, when men left their homes to fight overseas, many women had no source of income, and had to become the providers for their families. Women began leaving the house to find work, while still taking care of their households. After the men returned from war, many women gave up their jobs and returned to their duty of maintaining their households. The women that stayed after the men reclaimed their jobs, experienced discrimination, sexism, and lower incomes than their male coworkers. Today the same problem still occurs; today in Canada, a woman earns seventy-four cents for every dollar a man earns in the same occupational position.

A group of girls in a Utah high school held a bake sale that stirred up some controversies among their fellow students and other members of the community. They sold chocolate chip cookies in their cafeteria; female students were required to pay seventy-seven cents for a cookie, while male students were charged a dollar. They did this to raise awareness of the gender wage gap in America where a woman earns seventy-seven cents for every dollar a male earns. They hoped the bake sale would give people a glimpse of gender inequality in the work force, and encourage them to do something to change it.

Gender inequality is not the only obstacle women face in the workplace; the glass ceiling is another obstacle used to slow down their progress. A glass ceiling is “An invisible upper limit in corporations and other organizations, above which it is difficult or impossible for women to rise in the ranks… It is glass because it’s not usually a visible barrier, and a woman may not be aware of its existence until she ‘hits’ the barrier.” So while women receive a lower salary than their male co-workers, they also receive fewer opportunities for progress.

Many may have argued that because men were the main providers of the household, they need a higher income. In this generation there are many different types of families, like families with single mothers and families with two mothers. In both case, women are the main providers of those households. As the society, the providers of the house, and the definition of a family change, the division of wages given to employees should change with it.

The situation in the workplace is a reflection of society; there is a gender gap in society where women are treated as less than men in many areas. If a woman feels comfortable wearing clothes that reveal “too” much of her skin, she is told she is being oppressed. She is told that she is oppressed for dressing to validate herself in the eyes of a man. If a woman wears clothes that cover her body, she is told that she is oppressed because she conforming to the standards set for her by men. Another area where women face oppression in society, is the career path they choose; if they choose not to have children and focus on their careers, they are told that they are selfish. If they choose to have children and be a stay at home, they are told that they are not fully living life and should do something for themselves. No matter which path a women chooses to take, she will always face oppression and inequality.

Gender inequality occurs not only in Canada and America, it happens all over the globe. The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report measures the gender gap between males and females on factors of health, education, economy, and politics.  In 2014, Rwanda came in seventh on the list, without having been on the list in the previous year. Rwanda’s Gender Issues and Monitoring Service is responsible for Rwanda’s turn around in gender relations. The Gender Issues and Monitoring Service states that women must hold at least thirty percent of senior political positions; women now hold 64% of Rwanda’s parliament, which is more than any other country. I think Canada should adopt the same policy, not only in politics, but in other areas of the job force. With more women taking up working positions, it could result in less discrimination and equal pay.

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3 thoughts on “Gender Equality

  1. Good analysis! I like how you added historical information to give a stance of societal norms. I’ve never heard about the glass ceiling and I agree how it is wrong how women do not have the same opportunities for progress. I’m interested that Rwanda has increased gender inequality problems, and I like how you talked about how gender inequality is a problem throughout the whole world. Overall good job!


  2. This was very interesting! You introduced some very important points! The historical background of wage inequality tied in with gender roles was a very good approach. Your writing also has great flow. The definition of glass ceiling was a very relevant and important term, good idea defining it! You missed the word count and a thesis, but overall very good points and great analysis!


  3. I very much enjoyed reading this post! All of the topics that were introduced within your entry were extremely beneficial in further strengthening your points, and i specifically liked your explanation of the “glass ceiling”. I was not aware of this term, and I think the definition of it limiting a woman’s progress makes it such a key term. Your essay was very educational and informative, well done.


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